I'm on a Christmas clip art roll and just finished another set. This time it's Christmas lights! You can see them at the bottom of the page.
But in the meantime, I have a sweet freebie for you.
I made some notepaper with a pretty string of lights at the top.
Even though the paper looks short in the image above, it's actually 8.5 by 11 inches.
Click here for a copy of your own Christmas lights paper.
Please remember that freebies are for personal and classroom use only. If your friends want a copy please send them to this page. Thank you!
Christmas Lights Clip Art
If you like the lights, you can find them in my TPT shop. There's a large selection of colours plus several strings of lights (blacklines are included, too).And this time I included both png and jpg images so you have a choice.
I should also mention that these lights are BIG, so they'd be perfect for bulletin boards or large labels.
I think they'd look really cute and jazzy in a classroom! But of course, they're easy to downsize, too:)
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